Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Heart for Hurting People

I saw a website today about how a ministry "has a real heart for hurting people."


I want to hurt people too sometimes, but I didn't know THAT could be a ministry!

Have I found my true calling?


Llama Momma said...

Maybe that's it -- a hit man for Jesus! Maybe I shouldn't joke...they're probably out there somewhere! :-p

L.L. Barkat said...

Okay, that was funny.

(Is this the last word? Should I challenge you to a comment dual? Is it cool for a woman to challenge a man to a dual? So many questions, so little comment space.)

23 degrees said...

LM, you are probably right, as odd (and tragic) as it sounds.

LL, a comment duel...a challenge? Sounds fun. (He said as he logs on to her blog, website, sees the published titles and then realized he had called her "bro" on Craver's blog) Let me know (gulp!)

Remind me of "last word" later...

L.L. Barkat said...

Quite all right... I've been addressed as Mr. Barkat too. Just my fault for being L.L.

Here's the deal... how does one actually know when a comment dual has been won? :)

So glad to hear you over on Seedlings. I love an artistic perspective. What kind of art do you do?

23 degrees said...

LL, thanks.

Comment Dual...has to be for humor. Would be simply having the most humorous comment on a blog without overtly being funny. What do you think? Most random comment? Most off the subject? :] (Now that would be funny.) Which blog?

Seedlings is an inviting place to explore, I look forward in spending some more time there poking around.

What kind of art do I do? Not wanting to give up my anonymity I will say I do figurative art and worked many years as an editorial illustrator (although now I work as an art director.) After reading your client list I noticed we have some in common and have also worked in your neck of the woods. (Fun)

L.L. Barkat said...

Hmmm... maybe one knows who wins when the other one quits... comes up speechless first. I know that on that recent anger post on my own blog I came to a point where I was ready to let others keep the conversation going (or not). I personally had said all I felt was worth saying. But maybe being quiet could be deemed as a "win" too? Oh, this is too much for one brain to process!

Now that is interesting that you post your picture but want to be anonymous. How does that work? :) Figurative art... is that like art that is only symbolic? (Kind of like figurative language?)

Some in common. Intriguing. And you've worked in NY? Even more interesting. Now my mind will be working on the mystery!

23 degrees said...

Always a competition with you, isn't it?! (He said and hoped the sarcasm of not really knowing her and yet making this comment would make her grin.)

I think making a random comment on my blog or on a blog (as funny as this sounds) may freak out some of your readers (or they may think you are a complete genius.) I, on the other hand have nothing to risk being blue, semi-anonymous. So to protect your reputation "random" is out. The speechless (you just won.) Maybe the best caption for a picture?

Sounds as if we should wait until an opportunity arises?

Figurative: consisting of or forming human or animal figures; "a figural design"; "the figurative art of the humanistic tradition"

Anonymous, well... the blue guy, yeah, um...I guess I am anonymous to people I don't know. I think I like it this way for now.

Our common client: DJ—and I made some covers for Putnam and Grosett before Penguin bought them.