Saturday, November 13, 2010


I have decided for life.
I have decided to grow,
to do more than survive,
to grow through the fog to the sun,
that attractive star.

I have decided to ignore
the coaxings, the threats,
the requests to turn into stone.
I have chosen to keep in motion.

I have decided
to take my chances with the abyss,
to weather the painful in-betweens,
to wake in my own blood,
to mourn my lost innocence
in the process of growth,
because all growth has as it's heartflower
pain in it's endless variations,
and its petals are the many colors of suffering.

But I have also decided
to overcome all obstacles,
to stand triumphant at the end,
the child tuned into man
and into child again.

—Ulrich Schaffer

Monday, February 1, 2010

Twenty One? Twenty Two? No...It's 23!

There's always that strange awkwardness when you bump into someone that you haven't seen for a long time, someone you had gotten to know, but for some reason or another your life takes you down a different path and you lose touch. But then there's that realization of bonds that had been created and the seeds of love sown that quickly put you at ease with each other, and once again you are walking along the same path.

I hope that blogs are like that.

It has been so long since I have posted. My new job had the longer hours and hour commute, and as much also wanted to share my life with my circle of friends I had gotten to know online, my time to blog had a deep gash cut into it.

I have been popping in on your sites from time to time. Weddings have happened, books have been published and twitter poetry has sprung up.

My life has taken a turn and I hope to tell you all about it, but for now I just want to say, "hello again!"