Friday, May 9, 2008

The Ground is Down There

My feet dangled over the edge of my dreams for a of couple of months, as I waited to jump into my new job. It was tough sitting there, wanting to immediately leave, and I was tired of the posturing and office politics. But I waited, giving thanks that this new path had opened up, seemingly with no prompting from me.

Thinking about how great it would be to leave, I felt a long-missed sense of freedom and often found myself swinging my legs, anticipating the new adventure.

Some days I wondered if it was all true. I tried to focus on my day to day tasks as I felt feelings of relief and also some small doubts that it may not turn out. But conditions were poor and steadily getting more out of control where I was at. At no point did I wonder if I should stay. These days gave way to the reality of what I believed to be His hand leading me beside quiet waters: confirmations and re-assurances that He sees me and knows every detail.

Typing up my notice gave me goose bumps. Turning it in felt like a 1000 pounds lifting from my shoulders. My two weeks went quickly and my last evening was spent raising glasses and telling stories, getting hand shakes and hugs from friends and enemies.

I have just finished my second week at my new post and my feet haven't touched the ground. There is a sense of honor, care and humility present at my new work place that has given me wings. Even the atmosphere is ultra-creative with wide open spaces, sculptures suspended from the ceiling, space to roam, think, draw, move. No cubicles, no clock watchers.

I realize I am still honeymooning, but wow, what a honeymoon!


christianne said...


this is awesome. truly great. i'm THRILLED for you. to find a place that feels that way, like a dream where your feet don't even touch the ground, like creativity on steroids . . . this is such a gift.

so glad to get the update!

23 degrees said...

Christianne, thank you for checking in with me and leaving such a nice comment.

The difference is striking. I am thankful for my last post, truly I learned a lot, but it was time to move on.

Sorry so long between posts, btw.

L.L. Barkat said...

And why not?

Have a blessed time on your honeymoon. :)

Llama Momma said...

Yay you!!

Enjoy it. Every single minute.

You deserve it, you know. This being happy.

kirsten said...

there is nothing wrong with honeymoons, is there!! your environment sounds so free, so creatively inspired & inspiring.

HOORAH!! i'm glad to hear that what was once a "what if" is now a reality, that you seem to have found such a perfect niche.


terri said...

there's nothing like getting paid to do something you love in an atmosphere that supports you. glad things have worked out for you.

23 degrees said...

LL, thanks my friend. Appreciate you.

LM, deserve happiness? I agree! Feels so good, unbelievably good. Good reminder to take in every moment. Thank you, sis.

Kirsten, I am truly thankful. I had an itch for such a niche! The talent I am working shoulder to shoulder with is a gift as well. I am really focused, but relaxed and most of all thankful. Thanks for dropping by my coffee pressin-gluten-free friend.

Terri, I agree. Getting both atmosphere and enjoyable work is a good combo. Appreciate your comments.

kirsten said...

"my coffee pressin-gluten-free friend"

love that moniker. ;o)

23 degrees said...

You smiled...and oh, are smiling now! (Great photos, btw.)

And I thought your bosom-friend Christianne would chuckle over one of the labels. Maybe a delayed response...

christianne said...

yeah, i totally saw that label when i read the post the first time. made me laugh, but i forgot to comment on it. i guess i got so caught up in my excitement at the content of the post. you're silly. :)

ps: i wanna come work where you work when i'm done with school. sounds DIVINE!

kirsten said...

tag, you're it!! :o)

please check out the post on lattes.


23 degrees said...
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23 degrees said...

stacy, thanks for dropping in and leaving a sigh... :)

christianne, glad you recognized the label and chuckled accordingly! It took me so long to post the "rest of the story" as salary and start date were being negotiated, and a the possibility of a long delay raised it's head briefly. Glad you are happy for me—and I am ready for share office space with you...but are you ready for 80 inches of snow. :)

Kirsten...those are very random! I will play! (are there tag-backs in this game?)
