Sunday, March 8, 2009

Sheer Goofiness

We adopted a shepherd puppy for my daughter's birthday in February. This is not our first dog, in fact, we already have a fluff-n-luv at home, so we knew what to expect (but it has been eight years, so there are somethings we have forgotten.)

With having a puppy in the house, there is the amazing, soft, loving part where you ask yourself "why didn't I adopt this fluffer-nutter earlier, what a cutie! She is fun to play with, she is afraid of the oddest inanimate things, and she sleeps on your feet while you do the dishes. And then there is the poo part that comes in tandem with it, many times in the wrong places, at the wrong times, between the wrong toes. And it doesn't take too long for you to realize why God made them so cute, or they would be so dead.

Beyond the innocence, the kisses, and tootsie roll surprises, a pup brings something to life's equation something that I think we all so desperately need. Sheer goofiness. I think that life would be more fun if we all resolved ourselves to, (at the right times) a measure of sheer goofiness.

In remembrance of goofiness, here are some fun things I that I have done through the years. I hope they inspire you, and that you will share some of your stories, too.

I have blown streams of bubbles over the top of my cubical with my fan.

I have bubble-wrapped many car tires.

Filled a locker with popcorn.

Offered plastic chicken legs to people at the strangest times.

With kids in tow, I would stalk my wife's car, and when she went into a store, I would move it very far away from where she parked, and then we would wait to watch her look for it.

Called one of our kids at school, had them come to the phone in the office just to tell them I set a new personal record in bench-press that morning. She still laughs about it.

Once, on a day over 100 degrees, I turned the heater on in our van until I was pouring sweat, and found a great polka channel before I picked up our kids from the mall.

I love to make up dialogue for people walking into and out of stores. It can really be a fun way to pass the time while waiting for someone.

I have a watch that can control TV volume— a source of great fun at the gym.

I have been known to four-wheel in a two-wheel drive vehicle, hitting the brakes, jerking the wheel and engaging the wipers, sometimes while dropping the kids off at school.

I have great impressions of Alpaca salesmen and Indian Cobra dealers I use when I leave voice-mail. My Jimmy Stewart is 98% on, and of course I can do Arnold Schwartzenegger very well.

Your turn!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

If Memories Were Sparrows

If memories were sparrows they would nest in my hair, and sing in my ear their songs of deliverance.

If memories were sparrows, I would mend up their broken, and set flight the dark wing—the wild thing on bough.

If memories were sparrows, I would feed them on dreams and the seeds of my longing, shelter their offspring from rain and from fire.

And then they would flourish—guarding my journeys with song ever-present

On earth and in sky.

If memories were sparrows.

This poem, written for "The Great Poem Caper"
to see more about The Great Poem Caper
the blog of L.L. Barkat: "seedlings in stone".